Guest dock is highlighted in red. Free Wi-Fi antenna is located at head of our guest dock. Marina Office & Guest Moorage Payment Box is highlighted in blue and is located in a small shack on the main dock landing and is open from 10am to 2pm M-F. Area highlighted in yellow is location of vessel pump out station. Area highlighted in green is our private bathroom facility with toilet, urinal and sink for the use of our tenants and their guests.
Oakland Bay Marina offers a public pump out station for vessels located just east of our office at the end of the guest dock. We also have a bathroom facility with toliet, urinal & sink located on the South dock of the marina on the West end near the ramp. Both facilities are managed by WA State Department of Natural Resources as a public service, in an effort to help keep the Oakland Bay Estuary a clean, pristine and productive area for commercial and recreational shellfish production including oysters, clams & mussels.